Becomming A Programmer
Step 1: Follow the white rabbit.
About Me
Welcome to my Tech Blog! At the risk of this blurb sounding like a dating profile I’m just going to cut to the chase. I’m a physicist at heart looking to poke and prod the universe in different ways in hopes to understand myself better. I do everything through the lens of a scientist, whether its playing video games or cooking. Although I’ve been working with computers my entire life, I’ve only recently been initiated into the realm of coding. Finding ways to interact with our physical world using the logic built on computers is akin to learning how to read and write for the first time. Learning to code has unlocked so much for me just by demystifying the interactions I’ve had with websites everyday. I will be documenting my progress through this journey, hope you find something that helps you on yours.
What Is This Place?
In this website you will find:
- Profile Town (site navigator)
- My Code Blog
- My Portfolio Projects
- My Thoughts on Stuff
Putting together this website together went from being a project to an obsessive hobby. Feel free to snoop around and reach out if you have any questions with how its built.